%@ Language = "VBScript" %> <% Option Explicit Response.Buffer = True '********************************************************** ' To make this script work you simply need to create a ' table named tblLoginInfo in your database with three ' columns: username, password, and destination. Put ' the values you want for username and password into a ' record in the table and in destination put the url you ' want to send that user to. ' ' NOTE: BE SURE TO EITHER MOVE THE INCLUDED SAMPLE ' DATABASE TO A SECURE AREA OUTSIDE THE WEB SITE OR ' USE A DIFFERENT SECURE DATABASE. OTHERWISE ANYONE ' CAN SIMPLY DOWNLOAD THE WHOLE DB AND RETREIVE YOUR ' USERNAME AND PASSWORD FROM IT. '********************************************************** %>
Login Failed - Please verify username and password.
<% 'Response.End Else Session("username") = rstLogin.Fields("username").Value strURL = rstLogin.Fields("destination").Value Response.Redirect("destinations/" & strURL) End If ' Clean Up rstLogin.Close Set rstLogin = Nothing cnnLogin.Close Set cnnLogin = Nothing End If %>